“Narcissistic personalities are created and sustained. No one is born a narcissist. It is a habitual choice to be selfish and to lack empathy for other people. Never forget that it is a choice,” says Shannon Thomas with www.southlakecouseling.org.
However, the psychiatric bible dubbed the DSMV published by the American Psychiatric Association labels narcissism under the Cluster B type personalities which are mental disorders. Does this mean that narcissists are “off the hook” for liability in the extreme damage they cause because they suffer from a mental disorder? “Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration and lack of empathy.” (DSMV)
As a survivor of both covert and malignant narcissistic abuse, I would hope not. Should society have mercy and compassion for these narcissists? Should we all have mercy and compassion for those suffering from mental disorders? It is not their fault they were born with neurological imbalances, after all. Where do we draw the line with those who are born with mental illnesses and who have the cognitive awareness to improve their behaviors by seeking medication and behavioral therapy and those who choose not to balance themselves. Those who have the cognitive awareness of their mental illness and choose to cover up their mental and emotional flaws with vices and manipulation instead should be held accountable.
On the other hand, the mental health community says that narcissists do not believe there is anything wrong with them. They always blame others, and they literally believe their own lies. If a person seeking help asks their significant other, a family member or a therapist if they might be a narcissist, then they are not because narcs believe they are never to blame. They carry a strong sense of entitlement. They always deflect, project and gaslight, never assuming any liability unless it is a fake apology to get back in the good graces of the primary supply source.
I am curious to know what you think on this controversial subject, where you stand and why. Please send me an email at: maria@teatimewithred.com