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a Small Child Cries Out II

Ask Dante, 14th-century Western literature famed writer of said circles. Perhaps the writer’s intention had a deeper, more profound meaning than merely exposing the hypocrites of his historical time period and their political corruption within the Catholic Church. Perhaps these mysteries would be revealed in the next phase of our souls’ existence.

Some people believe that if your soul lands in Hell, you deserve to be there. But what if The Supreme Being allows people to journey through Hell on earth as a test? What if some souls are put through these intense tests as part of God’s master plan to emerge as spiritual warriors advocating for their life missions ordained at birth?

Given that people have free will, some of these souls put through these tests might succumb to despair and fall from grace, therefore, not achieving the spiritual warrior status on earth. So, are these the souls sent to the different circles of Hell intended  to grow and try again to achieve redemption? Is that Purgatory the Church teachings speak of?

Purgatory in “The Inferno” consisted of the upper, less gruesome circles of Hell. Is this where those souls could still redeem themselves by performing extreme spiritual acts of penitence? Or were those souls sinking down the circles so quickly with their lifelong non repentant, non-receptive attitudes that no respite or mercy is granted? Perhaps. Those are the ones who failed the test. Are narcissists some of those who failed the test? To be Continued…