Abusers and targets: There are two types of beings on this earth, those who give and those who take. This dichotomy also exists in the animal world: predators and prey. Scientifically, the takers are attracted to the givers like a magnet. It is an energy force of attraction: like and like repel, opposites attract. I am speaking of the toxic dynamic like an empath and a narcissist.
Like and like can attract in a healthy environment where each human being gives equally yet different. Each other’s deficits can be balanced by the other’s talents and gifts, thereby creating a complimentary dynamic. So, the entire union would be uplifted from the consistent give and take. This would be a healthy scenario regarding human relationships here on earth.
It is extremely unhealthy and destructive when only one party gives, and the other takes. That cannot be considered a partnership; that would be a dictatorship and a very unhealthy relationship. If the taker in the dictatorship is consciously aware of this scenario and his or her actions, this could be labeled as abuse.
Abusers or takers become skilled at an early age to confuse this scenario and throw the giver off guard when the giver begins to gain insight into the imbalance of the fraudulent relationship and desires freedom, or justice.
The takers will react acutely to keep his or her power over the giver if the giver has this insight. The abusers may want to continue to take and absorb all the tangible and spiritual gifts. Out of desperation to trap the givers, the takers may attempt to confuse the scenario with verbal contortions of the truth. They may spit out specific phrases like, “It takes two to tango” or “You never really understood me.” These verbal contortions may buy the abuser more time to conceal their destructive behavior.
The abusers rely on the givers natural compassion and empathetic personality traits to remain confused as the victims introspect and may try to give more to the takers to assuage their stated fears and twisted logic.
Sometimes the abusers gain an additional two months using these manipulative phrases and other emotional bondage methods with their victims. Sometimes, it gains them twelve or more years. Narcissists require supply to survive which is the life force of other people; they are black holes that can never be filled. Are you aware of any narcissists in your life? To be Continued…